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[IOACON2015] STAND will be seeing you at IOACON 2015 - 60th Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

Views : 3070
Update time : 2015-11-10 17:01:14

Conference Title:

IOACON 2015 - 60th Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association 

Trade Fair Runtime Date: 

9th - 14th December 2015 

Trade Fair Runtime Address:

B.M.Birla Science and Technology Center, Jaipur, India

Following participation benefits are highlighted for your kind perusal:

Interaction with leading experts

Access to senior pre-qualified decision makers for products and services used in hospitals, Institutes

Exposure to breakthrough and emerging technologies and therapies

Unique possibilities to expand market knowledge

STAND looks forward to your meeting with us.